Talking about Suicide can be scary, intimidating, and emotional. Being a therapist, many people are curious about what it’s like to hear these heavy conversations on a daily basis. Yet, I am still a human and admittedly struggle with these heavy conversations from time to time. It is hard when my practice is rooted in […]
How to Tell When You’re Feeling Burned Out
Many people think of burnout as simply being incredibly tired after a long week or month of work or school studies. But burnout is much more than a physical exhaustion; it has in fact been called the “triad of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and feelings of detachment.” Here are some additional signs of burnout: Pessimism Pessimism […]
3 Ways Teens Can Benefit from Therapy
Not many of us remember our teenage years as walks in the park. That’s because this time in our life is punctuated by uncertainties, social pressure, and a surge of hormones. Because of this perfect storm, many teens act out, which can cause a lot of chaos and disruption in the home and family. Here […]